Monday 21 November 2011

Jeff Bridges: The man who loves John Wayne

Jeff Bridges plays in the neo-Western "True Grit" once again the
drunken anti-heroes - welcome to the Berlinale!

Too much admiration does not look good. Jeff Bridges (scene with
Hailee Steinfeld) wolter turning on John Wayne's way of playing, "not
even think."

Berlin. These men are truly in their last hour left alone. Throughout
Fort Smith has arrived for the execution of the three vultures. Who
have the final word. "I've killed the wrong guy," says the first
desperate, "so I'm here!" The second one would like to "sing what",
but that does not want the executioner. So there's a black bag over
his head, and down we go ...

True Grit

The handwriting is unmistakable. The Coen brothers have this brutally
funny scene pretty much near the beginning of their film and thus the
tone for their neo-Western "True Grit" set. In their sympathy for the
protagonists, one would hope not so. Throughout history, one can still
experience how one man's fingers are chopped off, and in general
people are dying like flies. Surprisingly this is not. Cooling staged
violence is always an important part of the experimental set-ups by
Joel and Ethan Coen have been. You just have to bloody province
thriller "Fargo" or remember, most recently, in the thriller "No
Country for Old Men." As a filmmaker, he finds violence very
interesting, Ethan Coen said yesterday at the press conference, and
added that one should not merely be overestimated. "In my character is

In fact, Joel and Ethan Coen such thing as the unknown nature of the
international cinema scene. "Touching" they had found the novel by
Charles Portis, they said. That was the motive to film the novel 40
years after Henry Hathaway again. On the other hand, the Coens define
their intentions as follows: "People should go out of our films and
say, '? Look how awful people are, but is not life wonderful'"

Jeff Bridges has just occurred yesterday, the Coens describe as a
genius. The two men from Minnesota for the 61-year-olds are the ones
who made 13 years ago, "The Big Lebowski" with him. A
crudely-grotesque confusion history that flopped at the box office and
only over the years became a cult film, named after the one in Europe,
bars and pubs.

"The Big Lebowski" Bridges has also made her a cult figure. To
"Dude". No wonder that Bridges, who remakes in principle considers
unnecessary, did not say no when he proposed the Coens to play the
role for which John Wayne won his first and only Oscar in 1969.
Speaking of John Wayne. When asked about the meaning of "Duke" there
was only one of the Coens shrug yesterday. They claimed in the old
Hathaway film have not even considered during the preparation for the
remake. O-Ton Joel Coen: "My son is 16, and I think that has no idea
who John Wayne!"

+ + + The dossier for the Berlinale: + + +
Movies, celebrities and red carpet - The Berlinale 2011

This flippant remark was Jeff Bridges would nonetheless be on the
Hutschnur, and he bowed himself with the remark before the "Duke",
which he loved. That was one who had gone far in his films about pure
acting. Bridges added that he had the original is not therefore
considered mainly again because he wanted to avoid the danger of
copying John Wayne. "I did not even have his way of thinking to play."

And that's just his thing Bridges. Rightly he has been for the role
of the drunken marshal ("I do not need to buy whiskey - the
confiscatory I"), nominated for an Oscar. Rarely has one seen in a
cinema hero scrapped. Or anti-hero. Because the old Rooster Cogburn it
was nevertheless possible to track down the man who was the father of
Mattie Ross (also nominated for an Oscar: the first 14-year-old Hailee
Steinfeld) was shot in cold blood, but a happy ending, one imagines

But what the heck, with the Coens, there is not a "sentimental".

But Americans rush for this movie for weeks their cinemas, and
yesterday was "True Grit" the honor - albeit out of competition - the
61st Berlin Film Festival to open. To the delight of Berliners, who
lined the red carpet before the premiere at the Potsdamer Platz, and
to the delight of the audience's premiere, the film, the Coens, Jeff
Bridges and Hailee Steinfeld cheered enthusiastically.

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